Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Source Three

Source 3

Caffeine and Ephedrine: Physiological, Metabolic and Performance-Enhancing Effects.
Magkos, F, and S A. Kavouras. "Caffeine and Ephedrine: Physiological, Metabolic and Performance-Enhancing Effects." Sports Medicine 34 (2004): 871-889. Medline. EBSCOhost. WVU Libraries, Morgantown, WV. 1 July 2008 <>.

In recent years, the use of Caffeine and Ephedrine for the purpose of athletic performance enhancement has become very popular among several sportspersons. This may be due to the idea that the two drugs are more effective when taken together. This article considers each of the drug’s chemical properties and effects on athletic performance to determine whether a mixture of caffeine and ephedrine are truly more efficient.

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